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Date | Title | Series | Speaker | |
6/18/2023 | What Does It Mean to Be a Man? Reject Passivity, Accept Responsibility. Lead Courageously, Receive God’s Greater Reward |
Dr. Rodney Orr | ||
6/19/2022 | A Father’s Legacy, Fatherhood – A Sacred Trust Core Truth: Every father leaves a legacy of some sort to his family and since fatherhood is one of the most powerful forces in our children’s lives, it is a sacred trust - a trust that our heavenly Father stands ready to help us fulfill despite our own inadequacies, failures and limitations. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/20/2021 | The Power of Fatherhood Core Truth: While it is true that a father’s words can either heal or hurt, encourage or discourage, it is the daily life he lives before ever-watching eyes and ever-listening ears that is the most potent force of all. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/21/2020 | Fathers: God’s Agents of Healing in a Broken World Core Truth: Throughout history, God has intended fathers to be His primary means of shaping their families and cultures, and history is filled with examples of those who have done it well and some who haven’t. At some point every father must decide whether, like Joshua, he will also make the irrevocable decision that he and his house will also serve the Lord, regardless of the counter-culture in which he and those he loves have been called to live. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/16/2019 | Waging Effective Spiritual Warfare, Part 3 – A Father’s Day Call to Men Core Truth: In the waging of effective spiritual warfare on behalf of our families, the godly leadership of a Christian father cannot be overstated. Toward his wife, he is called to be a loving servant; toward his children, a firm but kind ruler; before the family at large, an example of godly living. |
Waging Effective Spiritual Warfare | Pastor Don Kroah | |
6/17/2018 | The Power of Fatherhood! Core Truth: Fatherhood is an identity-shaping vocation. Whether he does so consciously or not, a father tells his child what to become and those who have been given such a great responsibility are wise to learn from the one Who is the Father of us all. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/19/2016 | The Parable of the Prodigal's Father Core Truth: The remarkable story of the Prodigal Son - his rebellion, his years of wasted living, and his eventual return home - would not have been possible without a father who refused to give up on him. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/21/2015 | The Power of a Father's Affirmation Core Truth: A father’s approval is a great gift and no child should ever have to grow up without it. |
Pastor Don Kroah |