Ways to Give
- Place in the offering plate during Sunday morning worship service.
- Drop off or mail to the church office at 8600 Plymouth Road, Alexandria, VA 22308.
- Bill Pay or online payments through your bank or credit union. You can have your tithes and offerings transferred to PHBC from your checking or savings accounts at a set time each month or when you dictate. To use this service, please contact your bank and send the contribution to Plymouth Haven Baptist Church, 8600 Plymouth Road, Alexandria, VA 22308.
- Direct Deposit. Simplify your giving by authorizing an automated transfer of funds for your regular tax-deductible giving. You may choose monthly or twice-monthly transfers from your bank account directly to the church account. Simply fill out the "Debit Authorization Form" available in the church office, or download the form and fill it out now. Submit the form in person or via mail to the attention of the Finance Office. Once we receive your form, we will contact you to confirm the information. You may discontinue the debits at any time.
- Donate stocks or other assets. These types of gifts are most often contributed near the end of the calendar or tax year. Stock gifts are usually sold, while other assets are used directly in the ministry of the church if possible. If you would like to contribute stock or other assets please call the finance staff at 703-360-4370 to arrange the transfer.
- Wills or Living Trusts
- Retirement Assets
- Charitable Gift Annuities
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Charitable Lead Trusts
- Donor Advised Fund
Thank you for your faithfulness in giving your tithes and offerings to God. PHBC could not be effective in fulfilling our purpose without you. It is the stewardship of your prayers, time, talent and money that enable us to reach people Jesus and minister to those in need.