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Date | Title | Series | Speaker | |
4/14/2024 | The Unpredictability of the Christian Life Core Truth: Throughout the Scriptures, whenever men and women say ‘yes’ to God’s call to follow Him, they did invariably so with far different expectations of what their lives were going to be like than what actually turned out to be the case, and if we today are really serious about answering that same call, we too will sooner or later find ourselves facing that same challenge, but in the end it will always be for our ultimate good. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/11/2022 | Walking With a Limp, Jacob’s Life-Changing Encounter With God Core Truth:While we are often prone to blame the weaknesses of our flesh as the reason for our failure to live better lives as Christians, the truth of the matter is really not that we are too weak, but that we are too strong…too strong in self-will and self-sufficiency as we struggle to live the Christian life our way and in our own strength, instead of learning to allow the all-sufficient Christ to simply live His own victorious life in and through us – something He is patiently longing to do. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/19/2022 | A Father’s Legacy, Fatherhood – A Sacred Trust Core Truth: Every father leaves a legacy of some sort to his family and since fatherhood is one of the most powerful forces in our children’s lives, it is a sacred trust - a trust that our heavenly Father stands ready to help us fulfill despite our own inadequacies, failures and limitations. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/20/2022 | ...Where Are You? Where are you spiritually? You are precious to God. Come out of hiding and let God cover you with His grace. |
Pastor Dennis Williams | ||
8/13/2017 | When God Stops Speaking … and Begins to Act Core Truth: “There’s a time when God says ‘Enough!’ Enough to a nation; enough to a church; enough to an individual. He gives grace, He gives mercy and He gives space to repent. But when man persists in his rebellion, God will not continue forever to give him space. There comes a time when God draws a line, when God says, ‘That’s it!’ “ |
Pastor Don Kroah |