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Date | Title | Series | Speaker | |
12/8/2024 | Let There Be Peace on Earth Core Truth: The theme of our Second Advent Sunday service this morning is expressed in one of the most elusive of all the entire world’s desires – the word peace. It is a longing and desire for which profoundly horrible and destructive wars have been fought. Entire nations have been eliminated, and innumerable organizations both large and small have worked long and hard to bring about, and yet we seem further away from its reality than ever before. In today’s message we’ll consider these thoughts about it. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/8/2024 | Gathering Storm Clouds Core Truth: At this moment in history, the greatest danger to the Church of Jesus Christ is not the terrible storms whose clouds are growing larger and more ominous every day, rather its greatest danger is allowing itself to become a spiritual somnambulist, a sleepwalker – one who walks or perform other actions while actually sound asleep. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
9/1/2024 | A Reed Shaken in the Wind? Core Truth: Seldom if ever will God do things the way we would expect or prefer. In fact, it seems that most of the time He does the very opposite, and it is at those times in particular that He calls us to just trust Him and not waver in our faith. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/24/2024 | Cheering Crowds and Talking Rocks Core Truth: While Christ’s entrance into Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday was met with great joy by only a few genuine worshipers who saw Him for who He really was – their long promised Messiah – a much larger crowd of religious leaders who were also there saw Him as a very serious threat to their own positions of power, and soon made sure that He was nailed to a cross in hopes of settling that issue once and for all. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/17/2024 | A Faith that Withstands the Storms Core Truth: The question is not IF the storms of life may come at some point into our lives, but rather it’s simply a matter of WHEN, and waiting until that moment to discover whether we have built our lives on the right foundation can be a fatal mistake. The wise person decides well ahead of time to build on the only foundation that is sure to last – the decision to follow Christ and Him alone. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/21/2024 | Where Is Your Faith? Core Truth: The storms of life in which we may find ourselves always reveal at least two important things: one, how genuine the quality of our trust in God and His work in our lives really is… and two, how absolutely sufficient Christ is in bringing us to safe harbor, even when it means passing through some of the most difficult and treacherous storms we may be facing, because His own ironclad promise is “and behold, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually – regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the very end (consummation) of the age.” (Matthew 28:20b) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/10/2023 | The Terms of Our Peace We must accept Jesus’ terms of surrender |
Minister Davon Gray | ||
4/2/2023 | All Hail to the King! Core Truth: As with Israel at a most critical moment of their national life, so today both nations … churches … and even individuals are ever in danger of missing God’s blessings and grace by failing to recognize the time of His divine visitations. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/25/2022 | Why Celebrate Christmas? Core Truth: In a world increasingly wracked by wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes and natural disasters; plagues and pandemics now costing millions of lives, and the raw face of evil becoming rapidly more open and unrestrained, I would argue that the need to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas is greater than it has ever been! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
11/6/2022 | Why Should We Defend the Persecuted? We should defend the persecuted because: |
Dr. Randel Everett | ||
9/18/2022 | The Story of the Unblessed Brother Core Truth: How long have we "lived in the Father's house and failed to understand His heart?" The more we recognize how much we ourselves have been given by sheer grace the more patient, generous and forgiving we will find ourselves able to be toward others. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/15/2022 | What Can Possibly be Good About Good Friday? Three reasons why this “darkest day in human history” deserves to be called Good Friday. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/27/2022 | Who do you say that Jesus is? The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ Jesus is the Son of God, fully God and fully man. He was born and lived a sinless life. He died, was buried, and He rose again from the dead. He will come again, in glory, one day to judge the living and the dead. Who do you say that Jesus is? |
Tim Pewett | ||
12/24/2021 | Christmas Reflections Why Shepherds? Because of their lowly status, their strategic place in the redemptive story, and their instant obedience and sheer delight in being privileged like this. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/12/2021 | A Hope Fulfilled: Zechariah, You Are Going to Have a Son! Core Truth: The life and ministry of John the Baptist is nothing short of a watershed moment in human history and speaks at once of the faithfulness of God as well as of His absolute sovereignty in all matters pertaining to mankind in general and to God’s people in particular. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/5/2021 | When It All Seemed Too Late Core Truth: Trusting God and continuing to serve Him patiently in the face of prolonged delays is certainly a virtue to be desired all its own. However, continuing that same level of faith and obedience when all the evidence says that all hope is now gone is an even greater measure of our trust in the One who “does all things well” and whose “ways are always perfect.” (Mark 7:37; Psalm 18:30) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/6/2021 | Shall I Not Drink of This Cup? Core Truth: Christ set the example for all who would follow Him. It was an example of resolute obedience to the Father’s will, and a refusal to compromise or seek an easier way out, no matter what that cup contained. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/9/2021 | A Model for Mothers (Honoring the Ministry of Motherhood) Core Truth: The mother of our Lord is rightly honored as perhaps the consummate example of what it means to be a good and godly mother as even now, over 2000 years later, we celebrate her life and example as a model for all those whom God has called to serve in one of life’s most holy endeavors. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/25/2021 | A Serious Invitation: (The High Cost of Following Christ) Core Truth: “Christian discipleship is a decision to walk in His ways, steadily and firmly, and then finding that the way integrates all our interests, passions, and gifts, our human needs and eternal aspirations. It is the way of life we were created for.” (Eugene H. Peterson) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
11/22/2020 | Where Are the Other Nine? Core Truth:How often must our Lord still be surprised and saddened by the ingratitude of those for whom He has done so much, while those who understand how desperate their need was and how graciously He has met that need can never thank Him enough. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
10/25/2020 | The True Cost of Being A Christian Core Truth: It is possible that the future that is about to unfold before us may turn out to be one of the most exhilarating but also costly times we have yet experienced as followers of Christ. However, if that be true, it is also true that the Gospel’s power to change lives, reshape cultures and even alter the course of nations will be, as it always has been, in direct proportion to willingness of God’s people to actually begin to obey Christ’s radical demands. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/12/2020 | Opened Eyes and Flaming Hearts (The real impact of the Resurrection) Core Truth: Until Christ personally opens our eyes and touches our hearts with the burning coals of His resurrection power, we really have no idea what happened that first Easter morning! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
4/10/2020 | The Darkest Day in History (The Day the Sun Refused to Shine) Core Truth – Everything that was done our Lord on that darkest of all days was done in our place and on our behalf – all the injustice, betrayal, scourging, mocking and death on the cross belonged to us but He lovingly took it all because of His and the Father's great love! “For He made Him to be sin for us Who knew no sin, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2 Cor.5:21) |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/29/2019 | Joy to the World! The Lord Has Come! God came to us! |
Don Foster | ||
10/20/2019 | Whose Business Am I About? – A Call to Follow Christ’s Example Core Truth: True Christian stewardship is far more inclusive than just our money and our checkbook; our Lord’s example makes it clear that everything – even the very breath we breathe – is His gracious gift to us and is to be used for His purposes while we are here on earth. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/4/2019 | Did You Ever Have One of Those Days? Core Truth: While it is quite possible to find ourselves in the middle of storms of our own making, it is also true that some of life’s worst storms come to us not because we are out of God’s will, but rather because we are in it. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
6/23/2019 | In Service to Christ, the King Core Truth: Our position as a believer is based upon His position of authority. |
Don Foster | ||
12/24/2018 | Why Mary and Joseph? Core Truth: God has incredible love for His world and for everyone of us. |
Four Whys Regarding Christmas | Pastor Don Kroah | |
12/9/2018 | Why Shepherds? Core Truth: God isn’t looking for extraordinary people to do great things. Rather, He is looking for ordinary people through whom He can do extraordinary things, and a field full of despised shepherds was about as ordinary as you could get! |
Four Whys Regarding Christmas | Pastor Don Kroah | |
11/20/2018 | Where Are the Other Nine? Core Truth: We need to be as quick to thank God for His blessings as we are to ask Him for His help. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
10/21/2018 | A Call to Christian Stewardship, Part Three Core Truth: “If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area his life.” Billy Graham |
A Call to Christian Stewardship | Pastor Don Kroah | |
8/26/2018 | How’s Your Foundation? Core Truth: In the confusion and uncertainty of today’s world, we can learn to rest in the certainty of our hope in Christ and in the fact that God has already given His final word on all things pertaining to this life to come! |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
1/21/2018 | On Being a Kingdom Influence in 2018 Core Truth: “If you want to make a powerful and lasting impact on the culture, you’ve got to do more than just consume it, critique it, condemn it, or copy it. The only way to truly change the culture is to create something new for it – something that will inspire people enough to reshape their world.” Whitney Hopler |
On Being a Kingdom Influence in 2018 | Pastor Don Kroah | |
1/14/2018 | Excuses: Heard Any Good Ones Lately? Core Truth: Nothing could be worse than to one day stand before our Lord and discover that because we have made room for excuses, we failed to fulfill our divine destiny and thereby limited the rewards He had prepared for us. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/31/2017 | Just One More Year Core Truth: Scripture says of our Lord, “A bruised reed He will not crush, and a smoldering wick, He will not extinguish, till He leads justice to victory.” This parable has been rightly called “The Gospel of Another Chance and the Threat of the Last Chance.” |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/24/2017 | Mary and Elizabeth: The Amazing Story of Two Cousins Core Truth: “When God wants to do something big, He starts with something very small. When He wants to do the miraculous, He starts with the impossible.” Dr. Ray Pritchard |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
12/17/2017 | Zechariah: A Great Man of God Who Also Doubted Core Truth: While young Mary might have been excused for doubting the angel Gabriel’s incredible words to her, she said what the aged Zechariah should have said – “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord: may it be done to me according to Your Word.” And because he permitted his doubts to short-circuit his faith he had to sit in muted silence for nine long months. |
Doubting Our Doubts & Feeding Our Faith | Pastor Don Kroah | |
10/15/2017 | Dying to Live Core Truth: This is real love – not that we loved God, but that He loved us. |
Don Foster | ||
7/23/2017 | Giants in the Land (And What to do About Them), Part 4 Core Truth: The purpose of Christ’s disturbing words about the end of his age was never to frighten us as His followers. Rather, it was to prepare us to live our lives in ways that can offer real hope and deliverance to a troubled world. |
Giants in the Land! (And What to do About Them) | Pastor Don Kroah | |
9/11/2016 | The Meaning & Scope of Biblical Stewardship Core Truth: Christian discipleship requires a clear understanding and acceptance of our role as stewards rather than owners of all that God has given us in life, and that our sole purpose in life is to glorify Him and advance His kingdom on the earth. |
Biblical Stewardship | Pastor Don Kroah | |
6/19/2016 | The Parable of the Prodigal's Father Core Truth: The remarkable story of the Prodigal Son - his rebellion, his years of wasted living, and his eventual return home - would not have been possible without a father who refused to give up on him. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
3/20/2016 | Talking Rocks and a Weeping King Core Truth: While the crowds on that first Palm Sunday were filled with joy over the arrival of their King, Nature and its Creator both knew that within a matter of days they would reject Him and suffer consequences beyond their imagining. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
11/29/2015 | On Being of the Right Spirit (Part 1 of 4) Core Truth: According to the clear teaching of Scripture, every human being is subject to influence and even control by ungodly spirits. However, our freedom in Christ enables us to choose to reject such control and live under the control of the Holy Spirit. |
On Being of the Right Spirit | Pastor Don Kroah | |
11/8/2015 | Knowing the Times of Our Visitation Core Truth: As was true of Israel two thousand years ago, so today God providentially schedules times of divine visitation for nations, individuals and even churches. Those who are wise will recognize such times and not allow them to be missed by carelessness or unwillingness to accept His will. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
8/2/2015 | What Does Praying Appropriately Look Like? (Part 2 of 2) | What Does Prayng Look Like? | David Carr | |
7/12/2015 | Are We Really Ready for New Wine? Core Truth: When I tell God I am ready for Him to do a new thing in my life, I had better be ready for Him to take me at my word. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/17/2015 | Prayer: Our Greatest Weapon and Most Powerful Resource (Part 1 of 2) Core Truth: It is never God’s intention that we live our lives in fear and defeat. Rather, He wants us to learn to walk in high victory through the power and blessing of prayer. |
Prayer: Greatest Weapon and Most Powerful Resource | Pastor Don Kroah | |
5/10/2015 | Mary: A Model for Motherhood Core Truth: There are a number of remarkable mothers in Scripture, but none offers a better example of godly motherhood than Mary, the mother of our Lord. |
Pastor Don Kroah | ||
5/3/2015 | Fishing All Night, But Catching Nothing! Core Truth: What has always been does not always have to be. Our disappointments can be turned into great successes when we let Christ become part of the situation. |
Pastor Don Kroah |